Name     Porter Prize for Excellence in CSV
Organizer   The institute for Industrial Policy Studies(IPS), Dong-A Ilbo, Channel A
Backer   Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korean CEO's Association of Multinational Corporations (KCMC)

What is the Porter Prize for Excellence in CSV?

In order to spread the CSV (Creating Shared Value) approach, Harvard University Professor Michael Porter, the founder of CSV theory, and the Institute for Industrial Policy (IPS) jointly review and award the leading companies and institutions in the industry for a sustainable society. So far, he has been running 11 Porter Prizes for Excellence in CSV, awarding representative companies that have grown while jointly pursuing economic and social values.
In addition, as many companies are accelerating their efforts to create a sustainable competitive advantage through environmental, social and governance (ESG) management, they want to internalize their ESG management foundation and discover best practices that are competitive in their businesses.

* Creating Shared Value (CSV) is a management technique that harmonizes corporate economic values with community social values and is a new growth opportunity for companies to achieve economic success, moving beyond their existing notions of corporate social responsibility (CSR), philanthropy, and sustainability.

Purpose of Porter Prize

Porter Prize will discover excellent CSV·ESG management companies and institutions, promote interest in CSV·ESG, which has become a future management paradigm, and contribute to revitalizing the creative economy by solving economic growth and social problems.

Porter Prize will enable all businesses and institutions to take on a world-leading role in CSV·ESG and foster leaders in the global CSV·ESG field.

Target of Porter Prize

All companies and institutions that have contributed to the development and practice of programs for the Creation of Shared Value.

This award ceremony will discover excellent CSV·ESG practice companies and institutions, arouse interest in CSV·ESG, which is emerging as a future management paradigm, and promote the spread of CSV·ESG in the domestic industry, contributing to economic revitalization through economic growth and solving social problems.
At the same time, it is expected that Korea will play a role in dramatically enhancing the national competitiveness of the Korean economy by establishing its image as a country that plays a leading role in CSV and ESG in the world.
We respect all companies and institutions that are striving to harmonize social and economic values, and we hope that you will pay a lot of attention and apply for the "CSV Porter Award" by companies and institutions that practice CSV and ESG.

Michael E. Porter

Professor Michael E. Porter, a master of management strategy, is participating in the final screening for the award-winning company for the Porter Prize in Excellence in CSV. He attended the 1st and 4th CSV Porter Prize and presented directly to the award-winning companies.

Professor Michael Porter is an American scholar of business administration and economics, and currently serves as a professor at Harvard Business School's Bishop William Lawrence University. Michael Porter's work, a top authority on corporate management strategy and national competitiveness, is widely cited in leading government agencies, corporations, non-profits, and academia around the world. He left 18 books and numerous others, including Competitive Strategy, Competitive Advantage, National Competitive Advantage, and About Competition. A six-time winner of the McKinsey Award for the best Harvard Business Review in a year, Porter is currently the most cited influential author in business and economics. (Source: Wikipedia)


Contribution plaque ∙ Trophy

Porter Prize-winning companies will receive trophies and three-time winners will receive certificates with Professor Michael Porter's signature.


We support an official emblem (logo) certifying awards

Award ceremony

The Porter Prize Awards will be held with the Dong-A Business Forum event.

Provides best practice feature articles

We provide a special article of the Dong-A Ilbo to companies that want to promotion

Main Exposure on Portal Site

Introduce the company and business issues

Development of 'CSV∙ESG Management Cases' authored by Expert Faculty in Business Administration

Development of academic-oriented management cases by combining the "CSV·ESG management promotion process" and "management theory" and publishing academic journals
*Cost and duration need to be discussed separately